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Coosa High School Review

    Greater Rome SHRM Reviews Coosa High School’s Business

    and Computer Science for Industry Certification


    On April 2, 2010, Greater Rome Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) visited Coosa High School to review the Business and Computer Science Department for Industry Certification. The Greater Rome Chapter of SHRM has deemed that Coosa High School has passed the 37 Industry Certification standards/criteria and will be certified for the next five years. With this recertification, the Business and Computer Science program will receive an award of $6000 for program support and a certificate of Industry Certification. This is a tremendous honor for Coosa High School and the community of Rome and Floyd County. This certification signifies that students from Coosa High School have the employable skills that will benefit the business community. Greater Rome SHRM’s four-member panel conducting the review consisted of: (Left to Right): Mardi Jackson, SHRM President (Georgia Northwestern Technical College), Bobbie Rose, Membership Chair (Pierre Foods), Dorinda Wade (Harbin Clinic), and Jim Powell (Georgia Northwestern Technical College).

    The Business and Computer Science Advisory Board and Career Pathways instructors attended the introduction breakfast prior to the program certification review. Those members are: (Left to Right) Back Row: Steve Turner (CHS Teacher), Joe Agan (CHS Business Department Head), Richard Diprima (Dell Perot Systems), Brian Barcomb (Floyd County Board of Education Member), Lisa Diprima (Georgia Northwestern Technical College), Casey Nash (Rome Career Center), Amy Layton (Georgia Department of Labor)

    Front Row: Seated: Dr. Lynn Puckett (Floyd County Schools Superintendent), Melody Noyes (CHS Teacher), Courtney Tenney (student representative), Lisa Tenney (parent representative), Beth Faine (Special Education Representative)